This index will allow you to find some of the more more significant of these introductions and discussions within the book. It may not be up to date.
How to read the references; eg, Mark 1:16-20 Choosing Disciples: Subversion. The text before the colon is the title of the web page. After the colon comes a subheading of that page.
Basileia and Kingdom
Mark 1:14-15 Jesus Begins his Ministry: Translation Notes
Mark 1:14-15 Jesus Begins his Ministry: More on Basileia
Introducing the Crowd
Mark 2:1-12: The Crowded House
Mark 2:1-12: Faith is Stepping Out of the Crowd
Mark 2:1-12: The Crowd is Amazed
Mark 1:1 The Beginning
Mark 1:21-28: What is Healing?
Mark 1:21-28: A Healing in the Synagogue
Mark 1:16-20 Choosing Disciples: Subversion
Wilderness and Scapegoats
Mark 1:4-8: Wilderness