A Bibliography for Mark

This file contains bibliographic details for the references made in the draft posts I have been making from my book on Mark, but will not always be up to date.


Alison, James On Being Liked, (Darton Longman and Todd 2003)
Alison, James "Some thoughts on Atonement":  http://jamesalison.com/some-thoughts-on-the-atonement/ Accessed 3/10/2024
Alison, James "We didn’t invent sacrifice, sacrifice invented us: unpacking Girard’s insight": http://jamesalison.com/we-didnt-invent-sacrifice/ Accessed Nov 10 2020
Alison, James "Worship in a Violent World":  http://jamesalison.com/worship-in-a-violent-world/ Accessed Oct 25 2020
Anderson, Hugh The Gospel of Mark, (Eerdmans 1976)
(The) Avalon Project "The Code of Hammurabi": https://avalon.law.yale.edu/ancient/hamframe.asp (Retrieved 10/10/2024)
Beavis, Mary Ann Mark  (Baker Books 2011) (Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament)
Beck, Richard The Slavery of Death, (Cascade Books)
Beck, Richard Unclean: Meditations on Purity, Hospitality and Mortality, (Cascade Books 2011)
Becker, Ernest The Denial of Death, (The Free Press 1973)
Black, C. Clifton Mark (Abingdon Press 2013)
Black, C. Clifton The Rhetoric of the Gospel (Second Edition, WJK 2013)
Borg, Marcus The Heart of Christianity, (HarperCollins 2004)
Bratcher and Nider, The Gospel of Mark, pp 27 (UBS 1961)
Brown, Raymond The Death of the Messiah, (Geoffrey Chapman 1994)
Byrne, Brendan A Costly Freedom, (St Paul's Publications 2008)
Carroll, John The Existential Jesus, (Scribe 2007)
Crotty, Robert  Good News in Mark, (Fontana 1975)
Davidson, Paul "Did Mark Invent the Sea of Galilee?" https://isthatinthebible.wordpress.com/2016/08/29/did-mark-invent-the-sea-of-galilee/ (Retrieved 19/10/2024)
Ellingworth, P. "How Soon is Immediately in Mark?"The Bible Translator Volume 29, Issue 4, See:  https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/026009437802900403 (Accessed 1/10/2024)
Froeming, David Salvation Story, (Resource Publications 2017 – Kindle)
Girard, René The Scapegoat, (The Johns Hopkins University Press 1986)
Gottleib Zornberg Avivah,  The Murmuring Deep:  Reflections on the Biblical Unconscious, (New York:  Schocken Books, 2009)
Graubert, Philip The Hebrew Bible’s ambiguous advice about leaving home:  https://www.commonwealmagazine.org/wander-or-stay-put (Retrieved 11/9/2024)
Hamerton-Kelly, Robert The Gospel and the Sacred, (Fortress Press 1994)
Hanson, K.C "The Galilean Fishing Economy and the Jesus Tradition"  Biblical Theology Bulletin 27 (1997) 99-111. Hanson also has this article published on his own website at http://www.kchanson.com/ARTICLES/fishing.html (Retrieved 20/10/2024)
Hardt, Michael and  Negri, Antonio Empire (HUP 2001)
Heim, Mark S. Saved from Sacrifice, A Theology of the Cross, (Eerdmans 2006)
Henderson, Suzanne Watts, Christology and Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark, (Cambridge University Press 2006)
Howard-Brooks, Wes Come Out My People (Orbis 2010)
Janes, Regina "Why the daughter of Herodias must dance." JSNT 28.4 (2006) pp443-467
Johnson, Bradley T. The Form and Function of Mark 1:1-15… (Pickwick Publications 2017)
Kierkegaard, Soren Christian Discourses, Translated by Walter Lowrie. Princeton: Princeton University
Kirwin, Michael Discovering Girard, (Cowley Publications 2005)
Kotrosits, Maia and Taussig, Hal Re-reading the Gospel of Mark Amidst Loss and Trauma, (Palgrave Macmillan 2013)
Nasrallah, Laura and Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth Prejudice and Christian Beginnings: Investigating Race, Gender, and Ethnicity In Early Gender Studies (Fortress Press 2008)
LeMon, Joel "Commentary on Psalm 2" https://www.workingpreacher.org/commentaries/revised-common-lectionary/transfiguration-of-our-lord/commentary-on-psalm-2-3 (Retrieved 4/10/2024)
Levine, Amy Jill The Misunderstood Jew, (Harper-Collins eBooks)
Levine, Amy Jill and Brettler, Marc Zvi  The Jewish Annotated New Testament, (OUP 2011)
Loader, Bill "Christmas 1 -Matthew 2:13-23", https://billloader.com/MtChristmas1.htm (Retrieved 6/10/2024)
Loader, Bill "Mark Lent 1,"  https://billloader.com/MkLent1.html  (Retrieved 3/10/2024)
Marcus, Joel Mark 1-7, and Mark 8-16, (The Anchor Yale Bible)
Marr, Andrew Moving and Resting in God's Desire: A Spirituality of Peace, (St. Gregory's Abbey, 2016)
MacLellan, Peter The Gospel of Mark and Other Haunted Places (Gorgias Press 2023)
Menendez-Antuna, L. "The Book of Torture. The Gospel of Mark, Crucifixion, and Trauma." Journal of the American Academy of Religion.
Miller, Caleb "The Pillars of Culture" https://web.archive.org/web/20200806124508/https://preachingpeace.org/the-pillars-of-culture-prohibition-ritual-and-myth/ (Accessed 6/10/2024 Note that the original domain seems to have expired.)
Moulton, Harold, The Analytical Greek Lexicon Revised (Zondervan 1978)
Myers, Ched Binding the Strong Man, (Orbis Books, 1988, 2008 eBook version)
Nuechterlein, Paul The Girardian Lectionary: http://girardianlectionary.net/ Accessed 9/11/2020
Nuechterlein, Paul "Epiphany 3b" : https://girardianlectionary.net/reflections/year-b/epiphany3b/ Retrieved 14/10/2024
Osborn, Carly, The Theory of René Girard, A Very Simple Introduction,  (Australian Girard Seminar, 2017)
Prior, Andrea "Fathers, Sons, Sheep, and Goats" https://www.onemansweb.org/fathers-sons-sheep-and-goats.html   (Retrieved 20/10/2024)
Prior, Andrea "First Impressions of the Gospel of Mark" https://www.onemansweb.org/the-beginning-mark-1-1-15.html (Retrieved 3/10/2024)
Prior, Andrea "Jesus begins the journey," https://www.onemansweb.org/jesus-begins-the-journey-mark-1-14-20-jonah.html (Retrieved 8/10/2024)
Prior, Andrea "Remember the loaves and the fishes, https://www.onemansweb.org/remember-the-loaves-and-the-fishes-mark-114-20.html (Retrieved 24/10/2024)
Prior, Andrea "Tearing Heaven Open," https://www.onemansweb.org/tearing-heaven-open.html (Retrieved 3/10/2024)
Richardson, Jan "And the angels waited on him," https://web.archive.org/web/20210225021750/https:/www.episcopalcafe.com/and_the_angels_waited_on_him/     (Retrieved 6/10/2024)
Serres, Michel  Bandera, Cesáreo  and Arias, Judith "One God or a Trinity" Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture (Michigan State University Press) Volume 1, Spring 1994 pp. 1-17. Also online at https://www.uibk.ac.at/theol/cover/contagion/contagion1/contagion01_serres.pdf (Retrieved 20/10/2024)
Schmidt, Daryl D. The Gospel of Mark / The Scholars Bible (Polebridge Press 1990)
Taylor, David Bruce Mark's Gospel as Literature and History, (SCM Press 1992)
Tashjian, Jirair  http://www.crivoice.org/lectionary/YearB/Badvent2nt.html  (Retrieved 12/09/2024)
Wink, Walter "The Myth of Redemptive Violence": http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/content/cpt/article_060823wink.shtml Accessed Nov 9 2020
Wink, Walter Just Jesus: My Struggle to Become Human (The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.)

eBooks are often unpaginated, which is annoying for quoting material in a way that is easy to find. I have addressed this by giving the Author and Book title in the list above, and then reference the text according to the author's own section headings.



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