Jonathon and Sarah's Family
Jonathan and Sarah were largely responsible for the rearing and education of a neighbour's child, Jack Bear. Jack served with the A.I.F. in France during World War 1, and regularly kept in touch with Sarah.
They also raised their grandson Jonathan (Don), son of William, after the death of his mother in Victoria.Their own children were:
- Elizabeth who died on 25 May 1860, aged only four months. (Born Allen's Creek)
- Thomas 4.6.1861 - 3.3.1938
- Elizabeth 25.2.1862 - 2.7.1938 andÂ
- William Henry 9.7.1864 - ?.5.1949.
- Francis 1-4-1866 (male ) at Allen`s Creek
- Frances (female) died 2.4.1869? (Allen's Creek)
- Three other children, Ida (1874), Edward (1877) and Julia (1879) were all stillborn at Gladstone. The problem was "jaundice" or the RH negative factor.
William, Thomas and Elizabeth are pictured on this page.