The Statistics
- In a national survey in 1987, 46% of Australians admitted that they personally knew someone involved in domestic violence.
- Only 5% of domestic violence is against men; 95% is by men.
- 25%-31% of homicides in Australia involve either spouses or 'sexual intimates.'
- In Canada, three in ten women, now married or previously married, have experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence at the hands of a marital partner.
- 48% of women with a previous marriage were assaulted by a previous marital partner.
- Of those women who have ever been married or lived with a man in a common law relationship, 29% had been physically or sexually assaulted by a marital partner at some time during the relationship.
- In the USA, wife abuse is the leading cause of injury among women of reproductive age.
- Between 22% and 35% of women who visit emergency clinics are there for symptoms related to ongoing abuse.
- Data from developing counties reveal that one third to more than one half of women surveyed report being beaten by their partner.
- Women who have been victims of assault more than once, have nearly always been victims in their own homes. In nine cases out of ten, the perpetrator was known to the woman.
- Research on domestic violence reveals that from 45% to 70% of battered women in shelters reported the presence of some form of child abuse. Even if the more conservative estimate is accepted, these figures indicate that child abuse is 15 times more likely to occur in families where domestic violence is present.
Data from the Zero Tolerance Community Action Kit SA 1994