Misery and mystery

Posted January 2007

Ralph's song touches me in the church
where I feel miserable
an old song
old fashioned and beautifully sung
a blessing against the cry in my heart
opening a little of the Mystery

Why am I so sad is this place?
my home where I am not at home
no longer my place
here out of duty- or I would not come
it repels me
it is to be endured
and sat out until I can go.

My heart weeps for comfort
all is loss inside
no comfort here
no salvation
no God anymore
we have stayed in the past
clinging to God is not

It is wrong
we are wrong
believe that 5+3=7
and you will find the answer
they say
there is no God like this
there is only mystery

Mystery about which we have no answer
and the smallest of understanding
little to say
much to listen and feel
owning we do not know who we are are
or from where we come.

Praise to the mystery which seizes my soul and will not let me go
praise to the mystery who fuels the never ending desire to know and to find
praise to the mystery who has grown hope in my heart




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