This was kindly brought to my
attention by Senator Stott Despoja. You can see the original in Hansard
[Date 26 March, 2003 Database Senate Hansard Speaker Bartlett, Sen Andrew (Leader of the Australian Democrats, AD, Queensland, Opposition) Interjector Patterson, Sen Kay Page 10243 Source Senate
to Order
BARTLETT (Queensland— Leader of the Australian Democrats) (5.00
p.m.) —by leave—I move:
That the Senate take note of the statement.
About an hour ago
in this place Senator Ludwig listed 21 returns to order that the government
has failed to comply with in recent times. Even though he said that he had
not had time to research to see whether that was a record, I can almost
guarantee that it is—
Patterson —It might be a record number of returns to order, too.
BARTLETT —in part because there is a record number of returns to order
happening. I agree with that statement of Senator Patterson. It is still a
very large number and an indication of what is in effect a contempt of the
Senate, in my view and in the Democrats' view. That is perhaps reflected by
the words of the minister's statement, which were that the Senate resolution
`requested' a copy of the document. It is not a request, it is an order;
that is why it is called a return to order. It is a defiance of an order of
the Senate to fail to do so. Once again, we have the totally undefinable and
catch-all defence of `It is not in the public interest to say why this
document can't be tabled.'
The minister then
said—no doubt words given to her by the Minister for Immigration and
Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs— that the matter contains sensitive
immigration information and there was a guarantee given at the time it was
negotiated that it would not be made public. The government should not give
guarantees like that; they should not be negotiating with the intention of
keeping documents secret and then relying on that intent to justify not
releasing them. It is very much in the public interest for the public to
know what sort of agreement the federal government have reached with the
government of Iran—a government, let me remind
the Senate, that is part of President Bush's axis of evil and that is
frequently criticised for significant human rights breaches.
We have had the
government in this place today and in recent times making lots of statements
about the terrible human rights abuses in Iraq and how concerned they are
for the people in Iraq. Iran might not be up at
that level but it is certainly pretty high up in terms of nations that have
significant human rights breaches inflicted on its people across the board.
Yet this government have negotiated an agreement with that nation to make it
easier for them to return people to that very nation. The minister will say
that they are people who have been proven not to be refugees and therefore
have no legitimate fear of persecution. Two things need to be said in
response to that. Firstly, the hurdle for being recognised as a legitimate
refugee under Australian law is fairly high. There is a very tight
definition. Secondly, the issue of persecution is much wider than that just
under the refugee convention. There are plenty of other ways you can be
persecuted than the ways outlined in the refugee convention.
Patterson —That is absolutely untrue. More people get through. It
would pay you to get your facts straight.
BARTLETT —The minister wants to interject about people not getting
their facts straight, yet they hide behind secret documents that they will
not let the public see. It is an absolute undeniable fact because it is
clearly on the public record that there are many ways to be persecuted other
than under the definitions in the refugee convention, which are very
specific. You can be persecuted for a lot of reasons other than those
outlined in the refugee convention. If Minister Patterson is not aware of
that it is a great tragedy given her former role as parliamentary secretary.
Patterson —This is misrepresentation.
BARTLETT —I know you have been misrepresenting me but that does not
mean I am not going to respond. The convention against torture, the
Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on Civil and
Political Rights require Australia to ensure that people's safety is
protected. The convention against torture in particular requires us not to
send people back to situations where they may face persecution for any
reason, not just the narrow reasons contained in the refugee convention. Yet
that is the situation faced by virtually all the Iranians who are in
detention in Australia now, at whom this MOU is
aimed. This MOU with Iran
was adopted specifically with the aim of enabling the deportation of Iranian
detainees. It will enable easier deportation of all people to Iran,
of course, but that was the intent, that was the driving force behind the
government's desire to adopt it.
Once again we
have it being used as a form of psychological pressure, adding to all the
other psychological pressures used on detainees: `We'll give you a financial
incentive to return home. That incentive is available for only a short
period of time. If you do not take it then we now have this new secret MOU—nobody
knows what is in it—that says we can send you back anyway.' That is an
ongoing part of the psychological pressure that is being brought to bear
repeatedly on detainees, not just from Iran but
also from Afghanistan and Iraq. The effect of that psychological pressure is
being seen every day in terms of the almost epidemic—literally— levels
of serious depression and psychiatric disorders created directly as a result
of the prolonged detention that this government inflicts on those people.
There are ample testimonials from psychiatric experts, mental health
workers, health workers who have worked in the camps and others that have
quite directly drawn the link between the ill health, the mental illness,
the psychiatric disorders and the depression generated by the detention
regime and by the continual pressure because of the fear of being sent back
to a place where people have a legitimate fear of persecution.
Nobody is going
to sit in a jail in the desert for years on end rather than go back to
somewhere where they feel quite safe. People have a genuine fear of the
sorts of things that this government has outlined in great detail about Iraq
in recent times. After the sorts of things the government has been saying
the entire Iraqi people are afflicted with, why would anybody in their right
mind be thinking it is safe to go back there? Yet that is the sort of line
that this government is trying to suggest to the Australian people— that
it is safe for people to return. There is a big difference between not
meeting the narrow definition of the refugee convention and absolute safety.
There are some basic humanitarian issues involved there.
The government
have made great play in recent times about their immense humanitarian
concern for the civilians of Iraq. Well, here is a simple way for them to
demonstrate that humanitarian concern: let them into the Australian
community. It would not cost the government a dollar; in fact it would save
them quite a lot of money because of the outrageous cost of detention, and
it would cease the immense psychological trauma that is literally driving
these people mad, driving them to despair and to suicide. That should not be
tolerated in a humane society.
Because the
government has refused to table the document, which contains so-called
`sensitive immigration matters', this means that nobody knows the legality
or the extent of the agreements that the government has reached with Iran.
Once again, as in so many other areas in refugee and immigration law, this
government is putting itself outside the law, outside the reach of scrutiny,
above and beyond the rule of law. It is the latest in a long line of
legislative amendments and actions by this government in the immigration
area to totally remove itself from any public scrutiny.
I imagine that
most, if not all, of these people would have put in section 417 requests to
the minister seeking his intervention. The rationale for his decisions and
the nature of the consideration given to those requests are completely
private. They are not made public in any way beyond whether the minister has
made a decision to agree to intervene. The only thing that is made public is
what the decision is.
The degree of
total secrecy and the total lack of transparency in life and death areas is
simply shameful. Now we have a so-called `historic' memorandum of
understanding with the Iranian government—widely acknowledged as a
government involved in, or overseeing, a nation that has significant human
rights abuses—aimed at enabling an easier return of people to that regime.
The fact that, as we speak, Iranians in detention are being pressured even
more by the department to accept so-called `voluntary' return makes it
absolutely critical that this document be made public. Nobody can
confidently rely on the process used to legitimise these deportations if
that process relies on a secret agreement. It is a fundamental issue in
terms of the accountability of government decision making in an area that is
literally one of life and death.
Anybody that has
taken the trouble to meet the individual people or to read some of their
testimonies or reports by health workers and others sees the massive human
trauma and human cost that occurs as a direct result of this government's
policy—a policy that, admittedly, builds on the policy of the previous
Labor government in relation to mandatory detention. The psychological
pressure that is put on all these people to sign a piece of paper saying
they return voluntarily is enormous. That is why we are seeing so much
trauma, so much disorder and so much depression in these centres. We are
supposedly trying to say to these people, `This is all legitimate. It is
fine. We have your best interests at heart,' yet the government will not
even release the agreements it has made with Iran
about this issue. When you have genuine and legitimate concerns about people
being returned to a place where they have real fear for their safety, to say
that that return is conducted on the basis of a secret document is a pretty
bad principle.
Let us leave
aside for a moment the problem of the government showing contempt for the
Senate by ignoring returns to order—serious though that is—we should not
even need to do returns to order to get documents like this made public. It
should be part of open government. The fact that the government from the
outset has obviously had the intent to keep it secret because that was part
of the negotiations, according to the minister's statement, highlights again
the whole culture of secrecy and the lack of transparency and accountability
to the law and to basic principles of governance and human rights that so
pervades the area of immigration in particular. Once those basic principles
are seen as able to be ignored in certain circumstances, then it is quite
easy to say, `We have done it in this area, why can't we also do it here?
Why can't we do it in another area?' The whole practice of secrecy and lack
of concern for particular principles when they are not convenient can then
permeate all other areas of government activity. I think we have seen
evidence of that in recent times. That is why it is so important to make
these points, to stand up on these matters and to try to hold the government
There are people
today suffering enormously, literally on the edge of breakdown and in
complete despair. They are being affected directly by this document. Their
futures are fundamentally intertwined with this MOU.
Their very survival may be intertwined with this MOU,
and yet it will remain a secret document between this government and the
Islamic Republic of Iran. I think that is a very
worrying scenario. It is one that the Democrats deeply regret and strongly
condemn. We will continue to advocate on behalf of those people in detention
because they deserve to know that there are people in Australia who do have
concern for their wellbeing, who do believe that basic humanity is something
that needs to be acknowledged and stood up for.
I send out the
message to those people who are suffering as a direct consequence— indeed,
as a deliberate consequence—of government policy that there are many
people in the Australian community, the Democrats among them, who do support
you and are doing everything they can to try to end your suffering. It is a
deliberate intent on the part of the government to make these people suffer,
because that is a key way, in its view, to make them return to other
countries—that is, to break them down so that they have no hope, see no
future and say, as many of them do, `I may as well die quickly back where I
was born rather than die slowly in a jail in Australia.'
The fact that our
nation has deliberately executed, and continues to deliberately execute, a
public policy with that outcome is simply inexcusable. I think it is
incumbent upon the Australian public and everyone in this place to do what
we can to turn that policy around. There is no doubt that, for people who do
not wish to return home voluntarily to countries like Iran
and Iraq, the deliberate intent of the regime of detention and the other
ways that people are treated is to destroy all of their hope until they feel
that they have no future and no hope and that they may as well go home to
face the very horrors and fears that they fled from. The fact that Australia
is doing that is a tragedy. The refusal to make public the agreements that
the government has reached with Iran compounds
again the outrageous behaviour of the government in this whole area. This is
an issue the Democrats certainly will not give up on, and I know many other
Australians will not either.