Political Interference?

One Man's Web > Politics
and Ethics > Political Interference?
Port Fairy Folk Festival was being broadcast live on ABC radio this
morning, and Womadelaide (the Adelaide based World Music Festival) is
being broadcast tonight. No doubt there will be a fair bit of
political comment in both places, especially at the World Music Festival.
However the ABC was directed NOT to broadcast The Morning Star concert for
West Papua. This was on directive of Communications Minister, apparently
after Indonesian President Megawati Secern complained to John Howard. (Reported
on page 8 of the Australian February 22-3)
It was indeed a politicised concert, being supported by the Democrats, the
Greens, and the Australian Council of Trade Unions.... all political
enemies of John Howard. At what level was it also an important and
newsworthy event, that deserved exposure regardless of its political
It worries me that we would be worried about Indonesian sensitivities
enough to interfere with the autonomy of the ABC.
The Indonesians have occupied Western Papua for 40 years. (Some
brief history and current events can be seen on the Dutch KITLV
site.) We know from East Timor the brutality and massacres of the
Indonesian regime. Some of its military leaders such as General Wiranto
have been charged with war crimes. Its military is deeply involved in the politics
and commerce of the country. Similar events have occurred in Western
Papua. Oddly, as Kopassus (special military) forces are being removed from
Papua for their excesses, the Australian Government is considering
upgrading relations with the Indonesian military, according to The
Australian. (Kopassus
links set to be upgraded By Patrick Walters, National security editor February
27, 2003).
One hopes that we are not set to continue and reinforce the mistakes we
made over East Timor. Or was our final recognition of the wrong in
East Timor only a shrewd reading of what was bound to happen, and a smart
move to give us a good arguing position over the Timor Gap oil
fields. Our actions have not been entirely friendly here
In fact Timorese Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri has accused the Howard
Government of dirty tricks, trying to stall ratification of the 5 billion
dollar Bayu-Undan oil project to force Timor to accept smaller royalties
for the nearby Sunrise oil fields. If the agreement is not soon
ratified by Federal Parliament then the Japanese companies which have
agreed to buy the entire output of Bayu-Undan might pull out of the
venture. "The Australians are trying to force us to give up on our
claims on Sunrise. Their tactics are very clear," Dr Alkatiri said.
"Australia knows that these revenues are vital for us. I am very
surprised by their attitude. I never thought a democratic country like
Australia would play this kind of role with a poor neighbour." (
Morning Herald Timor resents Australian tactics By Mark Baker, Herald
Correspondent in Singapore February 28 2003)
It would be nice to think that even if some organisers of the concert were
"stretching the truth" about ABS sponsorship, as opposed to a
broadcast of the concert, that the government was big enough to tell
Megawati to back off. If it's Indonesia we must not offend today, who will it be next?
Another fine statesman and democrat like Prime Minister Mahathir? And if
that is OK, what about internal events in Australia? Alston and
Howard should keep their political noses out of the ABC. Perhaps they
should stay right away from the ABC and go back to watching
the sport on Channel Nine.
One Man's Web > Politics
and Ethics