John Valda, Liberal 

One Man's Web > Politics and Ethics > Iraq > John Valda, Liberal

On January 29 2003 The Sydney Morning Herald [link live at 1-2/2003] published a letter from John Valda, a former NSW & federal president of the Liberal Party of Australia. Valda began by asking, " Does anyone seriously believe that Iraq constitutes the greatest problem confronting the world? What about Israel and the Palestinians, for starters? Not to mention the countless millions suffering poverty, starvation and indescribable hardship in so many parts of today's world." Calling George Bush "the most belligerent US president in my now long memory" Valda closed with this wonderful comment: " It makes one wonder if Washington needs a regime change as much as Baghdad and if it is Bush who should be pushed into exile - ideally in Iraq, where he could carry out his own personal weapons inspections, aided perhaps by the leaders of one or two of his few allies." Obviously he is being facetious, but the letter is one Prime Minister Howard should consider. Even the ultimate insiders of his party think he is wrong.

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