
Once, I had a small website called The Children in the Garden. Claudette was a frequent visitor.
My suspicions were confirmed this afternoon when one of our companionable backyard crows was chatting with me while I watered the garden. They forgot themself and picked a strawberry right in front of me.
I noticed that despite them ignoring the water everywhere else, they immediately made for the slug trap when I splashed some water in it. I've been thinking we had the biggest drinking slugs in the country, because they have been draining the trays and getting away. I now hypothesise the crows eat the slugs and then finish the beer...
Hypothesis confirmed: I went out to the garden at dawn and found a healthy crop of slugs pickled in beer. When I returned at lunch time both were diminished. Later, when I was digging out sweet potato Claudette came to visit and sat down about three feet away. She took a long look at the strawberries and did not touch them. Sadly, this is not out of respect for me, but only because there are no ripe ones left.
She then went to the snail trap and had a slug of beer. If crows could smack their lips, that's what she was doing! Clearly, beer marinated slug goes down well!
(Andrea circa 2013)
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